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About Us

Welcome, let me introduce myself and my professional taste testing crew.

My name is Jill, and I am the baker and recipe maker.

Here is a little about K-9 Café.

If you are reading this, you are as dog crazy as I.


I started my research when I rescued a Great Dane as a 7 wk. old, 15 lb. puppy. With never having experienced an extra-large breed dog I had much to learn. Health, being very important one. Large breed dogs unfortunatly are not expected to have long life spans.


As the years passed, I have fostered, adopted, and met some amazing people along the way. With these experiences there were many discussions of those who lost loved ones to dangerous product in what they thought were "safe treats" sold at a trusted pet market and how unhealthy the ingredients are in a majority of treats available today. 

To the great question someone asked, " If dogs cant talk, how do we know when they have an issue or allergy to what we feed them?" A few years ago, people learned Grain and Gluten free was the awnser.

 And so the research began.....


The last year and a half has been a challenging one. Learning to bake grain and gluten free can be quite frustrating. Much trial and error, but in the end, a wonderful product.


Now I want to share what I have learned with you. We are learning more everday about health, not only for us, but for our pets as well. They are family, and offer a uniqe love, and thier health is as important as mine.

They are my children.


On the following pages I will share my knowledge with you and the importance of the product used to make these wonderful treats. 

Now let me introduce you to my Mutty crew of professional taste testers.






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